
Hi I hope you like the pics. Espero te gusten mis fotos

A sunnay in Belfast - Un dia soleado en Belfasty

Before sunrise - Antes del amanecer

Only the bike eye can see this - Solo el ojo ciclista ve estos angulos

Kids, bikes and sunsets - Niños, bicis y atardeceres

Good morning..! Buenos dias..!

Where the mountains meet the sky

Conquering Divis Mountain in Belfast, Northern Ireland

A chilly morning view

For the ladies out there...  +Mountain Bike for Her 

This one came out really nice...

Having fun with Félix

Snowy peaks around Coín, Málaga

Under the blue sky

The new neighborhood

Guess where I was today?

Cañada de la Reina, a nice walk close to home..

Now how cool is this?

We are not in Belfast anymore..!

Here you can see a bright blue sky and a palm tree sun bathing under the late afternoon sun..

When the sun stays out long enough you can see how beautiful this place is

Not riding that much lately... But lots of packing..!!! 2 more weeks..!!

One of those days when stops raining long enough to take a picture
Belfast before sunrise

No..! Is not OK..! X3..!!!

Cycling is really growing in Northern Ireland



  1. As a child i would have loved a walk like that! It's good your keeping your children in touch with nature.Love the picture with rainbow!

    1. Thank you..! Is all about the memories.. Trying to make the best ones for him.. After all is all he is going to remember when he is an adult.. (not the latest game for the console)
