Saturday 22 August 2015

Gravel routes at Divis Mountain with the family

I had an awesome day outdoors with the family that started something like this:

Did you notice anything different on that picture? There is 2 bikes on the rack...!

Here is a pic of my riding partner and me... You can read and +Google Chrome the name of the place for our adventures for the day.
By the way Felix is learning how to ride.. (or was?)

I hit every available gravel route I could find up there... While Felix stayed on the pavement with the rest of the family..

Most of the routes head up from this point... They look something like this:

I was heading to the highest point of the ride.. Can you see the antenna?

Some trails lead to no where.. I had no choice but to turn around and take the views with me:

Believe it or not somewhere there was a trail....

Some of the local fauna came out to say hi... This little guy didn't want to move..

After a detour here and there I caught up with the family and Felix decided that the middle of the route was as good as anywhere else to take a break...

After talking to them for a few minutes I made a left turn and headed for the highest point of the ride.. You can look in +Strava  at the segment or the are in general... Cat 2 climb out of Belfast.

A mandatory picture at the top..

One thing that hit me when I was taking this pic of the little man was that most kids learn how to ride at the park, around the block or some quiet area.. My son? Naaahhhh...! On a hiking trail..! Muchos kudos to Katja for her patience (mommy)

Look at how happy he looks..! Awesome job little dude..!

Belfast back, down there...

And at the end climbing out of the park after like 3 hours of hiking, pushing walking and riding..

It was a great day out with the family..!

If you like this sort of report put this in your favorites and check it like once a week for updates with rides like this and all sort of stuff that I might come up with.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!


The Weekend Report Guy


  1. Ok as I said I am learning how to do this blogging stuff as I go... The Weekend Report with full stories is here you will find all sort of stories here.. Have fun! and leave a comment (Please?)

  2. I rode a funkified version of the classic Canberra Cotter-Uriarra loop, which threw in some dirt. It was a glorious late winter day posing as spring. A fuller report is on my blog at (Not a strictly new blog, but a restart and new URL since my knee should let me actually do rides worth posting about now). I don't think you can put photos in these comments? If you are going to do a comment focused blog, you'll need to find a way to bring them front and centre to the experience

  3. Yes Mike I see what you mean... I don't think we can do something like we have at #podium here.. Or if there is a way I have no idea how.. I am still learning on how to do stuff around here... To be honest the format seems a bit complicated. I hope it gets better with the days. Thanks for stopping by..!
