Saturday 27 February 2016

The ride that almost didn't happen...

One of those days... You know when you struggle to get out of bed... You are running late to the start of the ride.. You are spinning around the house and can't find your cycling gear...Even when you know where it is..Even when you had most of it sitting on the table from the night before.. Somehow you still manage not to get ready quick enough..

But it doesn't finish there..!!! You manage to get ready, you somehow get to the start of the ride on time.. And what is next??? No one is there..!!! You have to be kidding me..!!

I did stay and wait around for a few minutes...(20) and no one ever showed up so I decided to turn around and go home... I was not happy and wanted to be home since it was a bit chilly... As I worked my way home up a nice local climb I started thinking... I am already out.... I am all kitted... I am warmer now... What a hell I am going for a ride..!!!

So I started heading out of town looking for some exploring and easy riding.. Since I need to work on my endurance.. My speed will come up one day but if it doesn't oh well... As I was heading down a hill I spotted an old iron bridge that looked great to stop and take some pictures around...

The sun provided some great lighting for the pictures... Not that I understand anything about all that but it looked nice and made a nice contrast of dark and light... As I decided to go with the black & white look for some of this pics.

There was a nice little water stream running under the bridge... That you can see on the next picture..Also you can see the surrounding hills that are a registered mark land around here...

On the picture above you can also see some of what me look like single track MTB lines on the bottom right of the picture.. ( I am trying to convince my wife to let me but one) There is lots of trails around here and seems extremely popular...

After the little break to take some pictures was time to leave the "Iron Bridge" behind and keep heading up the road to see what else I could find....

I kept going up the road that is not steep but is constantly going up...So while cruising on the small chain ring working on my cadence and on keeping a steady tempo (according to my HRM) deep into my thoughts, most of them related to how bad it feels to be out of shape and how hard it is to get back into it... Oh while all this was going on in my head saw a sign that reming me of a friend from Geneva... He loves his cows so I took this one for him...

The wind was blowing sort of hard from one side and at the same time cross... It was uncomfortable but manageable going up hill... The concern in my head was when you hit 50 km/h going downhill... Hmmmm.... OK time turn around and head back home or closer to it..

Where am I living now?

Coín is the name of our new town... A really nice one in the middle of lots of mountains and water streams that make up for great views and riding all around...

After all the stopping for pictures waiting around and whatever else I did during this ride +Strava tells me that I rode 26 km and climbed 500 mt during like one and a half hour... Mission accomplished..!

So to resume the day? Got out..! Did some exploring..! Took some pictures..! And had fun..!

Hope you enjoyed the reading and see you at the next post..!

Thanks for reading and sharing


The Weekend Report Guy

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