Saturday 5 March 2016

Chasing clouds

Woke up, had breakfast, check the tires, got dress, fill the bottle and headed down the route to try to meet with the local group to go for a ride... I probably didn't hear it right or something because again I didn't meet them or couldn't find them... This time I didn't wait more then 10 minutes... I was off..!!!

But where to go? My knowledge of the local routes still very limited so I stayed with the one I know.. But I decided to go a little farther this time around... It is time to start increasing the distance this by no means has anything to do with going fast...

So what was I going to do while riding? I went for chasing the clouds over the mountains in the distance..

So I set myself on a mission on reaching the clouds.. And believe me they are much farther then what they seen...

But I was getting a bit closer..

The route of chasing clouds has a good point... You are going slow enough to take a million pictures..

And the route is always going up.. Always..!!! I think I was going the right way.. At least the signs were telling me so...

And let the ramps begin..!!! Those were the steep parts...

And another one... There were lots of them..!

This one was a nasty one... But was one of the last ones I saw today...

I am almost there..! Almost there...!!!

But I was going so slow that I even had time to turn around and look at what the route looked behind me...

And right after this picture like 50 motorcycles went by me... Scared the poo out of me and then the wind picked up and I decided that was enough.. Too many things were going against me... Wind picked up..(head/cross wind), traffic was really busy all of the sudden... I was tired and the freaking road kept going up..!!!

So I stopped at a town named Yunquera and as I was talking to a man that told me that it was only another 5 km of uphill and then another 30 to Ronda... Almost nothing eh?? I said then sorry and maybe next time is time for me to go home...

Then I took this picture and put the camera away and zipped my vest up to start a looooong downhill..

It was a fun and fast downhill that didn't last that long.. I mean if you compare with how long took me to climb this lasted nothing..  OK most of the downhill was done at more then 40 km/h and I was climbing at 11 km/h..!!!!

I finally made it back into town and stopped at this place just to take a picture... Because I like my new town..

Here it is... COIN..!!!

By the end of the day STRAVA told me I had done this much.. (follow the link to see the activity) Also if you happen to be looking for a new +Strava club look up for the Weekend Report and join me and a few other nut jobs from around the world..

Oh if you are wondering if I reached the clouds let me tell you that I didn't and most likely will have to come back another time a bit earlier because I never caught those fast evaporating clouds..

Hope you enjoyed the report about today's ride and looking forward to see you at the next Weekend Report..

Thanks fore reading and sharing


The Weekend Report Guy

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