Friday 11 March 2016


The beauty of not been able to work at the moment is that I can spend a lot of time with my kids...Yesterday we walked to school with Félix and after I got back home and did some house keeping I decided to head out the door and stop coming up with excuses not to ride...

My destination for the day? Tolox, Málaga-Andalucia

As far as I could see Tolox is a typical town in the middle of the mountains.. All the houses are well taken care off and people is friendly and willing to point you in the right direction if you get lost... As you ride you can say good morning to anyone and chances are you will get a smile and a good morning back...(most of the time)

But where was I heading? Look on the next picture.. You see the peaks in the back? I think over there..

As you keep riding in almost free traffic routes your surroundings look like this..

And I am using this rides to spot different interesting places where you can either take great pictures or stop to fill your water bottles when you come to visit me here in Spain..

Forgot to mention something from the picture on the top.. I think I saw a little chapel there so you can stop by and pray for your legs to be in shape for what is coming next...

As you could see I was getting closer to the town.. It wasn't much open route between me and the start of what +Strava  describes as a cat 2 climb... (7.1 km at 5 % average)

I am looking forward to ride this part of the climb in the Summer... Remember it gets hot here..

Then I found this signs that were a constant reminder of my torture and how much longer will it last..

It had a few steep bits as you can see... Me? I was thinking on jumping in that pool during a Summer ride..!

But at last and at least I could see my destination..!!!  (you might have to zoom this one in)

A few minutes went by and I finally reached the top of the mountain.. Well the top of the paved route.. There were a few MTB routes heading up a bit more..

And after all that time climbing my reward for the day was this great view of the whole valley..

After the last shot I looked at the time and it said it was time to head home as fast as I could since the little man gets out of school at 2 pm.. Luckily for me most of the way home is downhill from here..

If you are a number geek HERE is the Strava link to the ride...If you feel like following me go for it..! And we also have a Weekend Report club over there.. Check my profile and you can see it..

Well once again thanks for reading and sharing this little adventure...

See you next time..


The Weekend Report Guy

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