Wednesday 28 September 2016

La Vuelta a España, trip to Alicante "Day 1"

So here is a few pics.. Day 1:
Our rides started like this every morning… Riding by the marina taking in some sun… ( I was accused of sun doping)
But someone else got accused of sock doping… Prove??
Villajoyosa has some good bumps all around it..
And the weather was amazing..! OK hot but amazing.. Look at thebongolian smile..!!! The kids is having fun..!
Yeehoo was keeping me company for a while till I send him looking for the others as I was soaking in my sweat surroundings..
I do not understand this pic… I am sure he was ahead of me.. He went around twice??
And there was socializing over German lunch in Spain… And plenty of water and other fluids… T-Bong the only brave one to have a beer..
My only KOM of the day came at the "who finish lunch first"
Best image of the TT??? Yeehoo taking a nap in the shade..!!!
Ice cream, smoothies and plenty of other fluids were extremely necessary…
We found Oleg..!!!!
Awesome view by the beach…
And that was it from me on day 1 in pictures in Spain.. And the strava link for the first day.. There was Team beer and Team sangria at night.. Remember those names for day 2… No pics of this.. I left the camera at home..
Hope you enjoyed this adventure and stay tuned for day 2 and 3 that are to come shortly...
The Weekend Report guy

Tuesday 27 September 2016

A ride with a friend in a Tuesday morning…

My friend Jose Luis is from Colombia, as a Colombian he loves cycling but his new job cuts his time on the bike a lot..! He gets out a few times a week or less then that when busy.. But today he could so I joined him on a ride with a little bit of everything...
Empty to low traffic roads heading up? Checked..!
Someone to chase? Checked..!
Someone to drop? Checked..!
Someone catching up to you while you try to take cool pictures? Checked..!
Screaming downhills where the tiny climbers have no chance? Checked..! (70 km/h, don’t show Katja)
Crossing little towns in the middle of the Sierras? Checked..!
All done before noon… 2 hours of fun on the bike.. 50 km and 850 meters of climbing… Also this ride puts me under 1000 meters behind my goal of 10.000 km for the year.. Who knows maybe I will reach it.. But I really doubt it.. Trip to Argentina coming up and no riding over there.. Well as far as I know..
The +Strava link to the ride is HERE if you like to follow me feel free to do so..Or join the club over there..
Thanks for reading and if you want me to take you for a ride around Coin get in touch with me..!!
See you next time
The Weekend Report Guy

And what about Sunday?

I felt like poop this morning.. Stuffy nose, hard to breath, was awake till 2:30 in the morning and had a few beers while cooking and with the people we had over.. When the alarm went off this morning I wanted to stay in bed so bad but I managed to drag myself out of bed to join my Sunday group ride and I think they are my friends.. Or at least there is a friendship.. Well it was a good day as I pedaled I felt better..
It looked like this when we started..
The guy in green was his first road group ride.. He is a mtbiker so has plenty of stamina..
We were heading over that bump ahead..
The view as we climbed the first part…
This other guy got the visit of the man with the hammer… He was beat..!
After the long climb we stopped to fill the water bottles at Carratraca’s water fountain, it comes straight from the mountains.

And after a long downhill and some assistance to the guy that blew up… My well earned reward..
After that stop for beer and some chips with jamon serrano I headed for another few km since no one was home and I forgot my keys… At the end of the day my ride looked like THIS
I am starting to offer these kind of experience to anyone coming to Málaga.. If you would like to join me for one of my rides feel free to contact.. Comments will be the first step and we take it from there..
Hope you like this report and see you next time..
The Weekend Report Guy

Monday 26 September 2016

I never stopped riding.. Just writing...


I have a cold.. So I wasn’t sure if I was going to be up to the challenge of keeping up with the faster group I normally head out on Saturdays morning.. I did anyways..
The group was about 8 guys of different abilities… Me? Well I took pics from the back…
As the climbs started to pile up I was a bit better then others… Barely… So I could take some different angle pictures
But at the same time I had something to chase.. Or try not to get too far behind.. (poor quality shot but the idea is great)
There were some interesting ramps along the way
The roads? I let this pic do the talk..
It was a great view riding by this wall…
After the water stop and a cereal bar my legs started feeling very good…. Caught them..!!! Passed them..! Shortly..
As we were riding by this I yelled we have to stop..!!!
Can you see the tower at the top of the mountain? That was a Vuelta finish last year.. Bobastro
The bunch..!!!
And the finish line…
The Strava link 105 km, 1500 meters and 25 km/h (average dropped at the finish line :wink:

Thanks for reading my blog.. If you ever decide to come down this way get in touch with me..!! I can take you to see this beautiful places...

See you next time..


The Weekend Report Guy