Sunday 27 September 2015

Thanks for the coffee..!!!

The Saturday morning started like every other weekend.. Getting up and getting ready to head out in search of the next adventure... The main difference is that I had an idea of what was ahead of me this day...

The ride for the day? (notice is still dark? #winter)

We agreed with the boys to have a bit of an earlier start due to an appointment we all had to attend later on this morning. Start time? 7:00 AM, left the house a few minutes after 6:30 and took my time to get to the start of the ride.. After all I am riding the CX bike and I know it will be a hard long day on the bike..

As we started the ride, I noticed that I was over dressed and too warm but i would find a chance to loose the vest as we ride..
Not much longer passed when one of the boys had a mechanical and I pull to the side to remove the vest finally.. I was steaming.. An I mean really steaming..!! And since we were standing and the sky started to open before our eyes.

Had to take a pic of this Fall morning sky, open sky..

After that stop was a bit of a hammer fest going up and down the rolling country roads that bring Belfast and Stangford together here is where we were going to take the ferry to get to the other side of the Strangford lake...

While waiting everyone had the chance to take some pics and and socialize a bit.. Pics? Me too..!!!

Ships, bikes and great view..

And one more because pictures are nice..!

Finally the ferry got there and we got on.. Here is some of the guys and a lot of bikes...LOTS of them..!

Another reason if you needed to ride your bike... Friends and smiles to fill the experience.

Others opted for taking all of it in.. 

After the ferry ride was a bit of a hard hammering to reach our appointment.. Remember? Well the place for it was our coffee stop of almost every Saturday..

Why I don't just call it the coffee stop? Hold on I am getting there..
As you remember from last week we are all doing a charity to come up with some money to help the ones that a a bit less lucky then us.. or just having a hard time in life and might need a little help getting back on their feet..

Well today we had an appointment because Mrs Harrison's was our good soul of the day and donate to us the coffee and scone of the day for all the cyclists that stopped by.. We alone had a group of over 20 people.. 

In exchange for her donation each person donated £5 on her name to the charity fund.

Here she is with our group..

After this pic was taken it was time to head home.. Another hour of hard riding where I felt like my soul was taken away from me...

At the end of the day the ride looked like this:

That is what 110 km of riding with 800 meters of climbing... How long it took? 3: 40 minutes at 30.5 km/h... Fun right? And on a CX bike with wide tires more..! 

It was a great day where a lot of people came together to help others and have fun while doing it.. 

Read more about this challenge: HERE

If you care to help others and can obviously click: HERE

Special thanks to Harrison's for the donation..!!!

Thanks for reading..!

See you at the next adventure..!


The Weekend Report Guy

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